Monday, 8 April 2013

Chioggia - Vintage Style

If you are a regular visitor of this blog you have probably noticed, I took some nice photos during my day in a charming Italian town of Chioggia (click the link to check out my other posts about it).
Also if you are not a follower yet, you are very welcome to become one - just choose your favorite platform through which you wish to stay in touch and you will be reminded of my new posts.

This time I decided to publish a few more photos of this lovely fishing port and add a little twist to them. Welcome to Chioggia in Vintage Style!
I hope you like the photos. You should click on the photos to enjoy them in larger resolution. I would love to hear your feedback on which one you like best and I also appreciate some constructive criticism.


  1. Hi Marko! Thanks for taking time out to visit my blog and vote for me... I loved this post (and am inspired by your amazing photography). So I've voted for you too. Lots of love from the South Africa countryside, Bx

  2. Finally linking up with all of my Wordless Wednesday Bloggers. Thanks for linking up! Can’t see what you post this Wednesday.

    I’d like to higlight your photo for this week’s WWB. Please let me know by leaving a comment at


  3. Fantastic photos! You make me very excited for my trip to Italy in September. As you know, I'm a big fan of all your photographs but my favourites are the first two. I love the vintage feel and composition of the boats and I like the perspective and use of monochrome in the second one.

  4. Your pictures are beautiful! what kind of camera do you have?
    and what about lenses?

    thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. @Jennifer Hughes:
    I did leave you a message on your blog. Did you get it?

    I am still interested in your offer if you are...

  6. @Barbara:
    For quite a few years I owned a simple compact - an Olympus C-5060WZ. As much as I liked it, over a year ago I felt like I totally overgrew it - it held me back and I decided to upgrade.

    I got a really good bargain on a used Nikon D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm and Nikkor 17-55mm. I also added a Nikkor 70-300mm (not excellent, but good enough for occasional use) to the pair after a while and I am quite happy with my choice.

    I would love to own a body with a full frame sensor (FX), but together with some decent glass it would just break my bank.
    So I settled for a great DX body and some excellent lenses and I think I got as much as possible for my money.
