Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Bell Tower of Agios Markos


  1. I'm guessing this is in Greece! I too love travel photography and some of my best pictures have been taken on the unspoilt Greek island of Samos

  2. You are guessing right. :)
    It's the Greek island of Corfu. This church bell tower stands in a small village near Ipsos. You can check out a few more nice photos in the previous post.

    Finding a traditional old village amongst tastelessly renovated towns, overrun with tourists, can sometimes be quite hard. Even in a country like Greece.

  3. Love your elegant photography, onece again a lovely pic as always!

  4. Thanks. I try to publish only the good ones. ;)

  5. That is a beautiful photo! Something about the texture of the stone makes me want to reach out and touch it. (it is stone, right?)

  6. I am pretty sure it is stone - a few beautifully crafted pieces put together.

  7. At first glance I thought it is some sort of oriental architecture:)
