Thursday, 4 August 2011

Google+ invites available

I have recently tried out a new communication channel provided by Google. It also provides support for mobile devices, allowing you to stay in touch with your social circles at all times. It is quite a useful tool for travellers like me, being on the road a lot.
You have probably heard at least something about it - everybody is talking about this new social network. Google+ is Google's latest attempt to face-off Facebook. Company's other recent tries in this field have been only partially successful.
gTalk was widely accepted as a part of Gmail, but has never grown into a serious competition for Skype.
Google Buzz (and Google Wave before it) was also announced as a revolutionary communication platform, but has never really picked up.

With Google+ Google is trying to finally make a breakthrough in the field of social networks. It is still too early to predict their success but the introduction phase of the product was done brilliantly. In just under 3 weeks Google+ adopted over 10 million users - at the moment there are already more then 20 million. That definitely is something worth bragging about, but it is still not all that much compared to Facebook's 750 million current users.

However stunning this might be, it is still just the first battle won in a long war against Facebook.
Will this prove to be the Facebook killer Google is looking for? I think it is still early in the game to say something like that... in my opinion Facebook is not leaving anytime soon.

If you haven't tried it out yet, all this hype should be a reason for at least some curiosity. If you are looking for an invite for Google+ it is your lucky day!

Invites are reserved for my readers only. If you haven't done it already, you should join other followers of Travel Photo Blogging through Google Friend Connect (slide to the bottom of page) or follow us using your favourite social network (top right).
After you have done that, you simply leave a comment to this post and I will send you an invite as soon as possible.

A free bonus after receiving an invite from me is that you can also add me to one of your social circles and we can test this thing together.


  1. @BreakBeat Brass Band:
    An invite is on the way!

    Please leave an email address I can send an invite to.

  2. I really want to like Google+ but I'm not finding it as effective and a lot of work to move over. And then I have to duplicate the work on FB. What do you think?

  3. @MuiMui:
    I think it's got a lot of potential but in my opinion its time has not truly come yet. People are used of Facebook and will take time to switch to the new social platform.

    Maybe a step in the right direction for Google would be to offer a service which would automatically mirror tweets and Facebook status updates to Google+ platform.
    People would probably start to appreciate many options offered in the "Google package" after a while. At the moment there is not much going on on Google+... millions of silent users waiting for something to happen.

  4. Yep. Also with all the privacy issues FB has, it's another reason to switch. Recently people are finding out FB is publishing all their contact numbers on their mobile even with the sync option disabled.

  5. @MeAndFrenchie:
    If your concern is privacy, I wouldn't trust Google either. The amount of data they are gathering and a vast number of connections among them are simply enourmous.
    We should all be afraid of the time when Google decides to go from data gathering phase to taking over the world phase.
    I might be exaggerating a bit, but then again... something like that might just as well happen one day.

    I hope I am wrong this time. Big time!
