Friday, 26 September 2008

I am leaving on a jet plane...

...and I know when I'll be back again.

That will be in three weeks time. Morocco here we come!
We are flying later today from Venice (Italy) to Casablanca (Morocco).

You can expect some news shortly after our return. In the meantime I hope you have great time. I know I will...

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Improvised UV photo filter

Has it ever happened to you that you needed a UV photo filter, but it was nowhere to be found? Have you ever thought of some kind of improvisation? Well, I have...

It wasn't like I really needed an UV filter. This idea came more out of boredom then anything else. Yes, some of us can get bored even during a perfect sunset by the sea. I should probably mention that the perfect setting for this little experiment of mine was found on the Croatian island of Lošinj.
I guess I don't need to point out that M. wasn't too excited about this experiment of mine. I am pretty sure most of you have already heard a variation of the "big boys and their expensive toys" monologue.

So what do you think of the first photo? It seems like I found that photo filter after all. And I did - it was sitting on my nose all the time. It is a special photo filter, usually called... sun glasses.

It took me a couple of tries but in the end I was quite pleased with the result.
Try it yourself sometime. I am sure you can come up with some interesting results.

Monday, 1 September 2008

The sun and moon on Losinj

Sunset photos can be very romantic, but since we have all seen so many of them, they can easily fall into the boring department.

I hope this almost-sunset photo is not among the boring bunch. I was hoping a sail boat and a pine tree branch would take care of that, but I am not sure whether I succeeded.

If I am not sure about the first one, I definitely like the second photo. It was taken on a ferry trip from mainland to the island of Lošinj. The full moon is reflected on the sea surface. It looks like the photo has been corrected using Photoshop or some similar software but that is not the case. The photo is published just the way it was taken. I guess the strange reflection is a result of the moving ferry and slightly longer exposure.